Client-side rendering vs. server-side rendering: Which one is right for your website?

Home Business Client-side rendering vs. server-side rendering: Which one is right for your website?
Client-Side Rendering vs. Server-Side Rendering A Comparison

Client-side rendering (CSR) and server-side rendering (SSR) are two fundamental approaches in web development, each with its own strengths and use cases. These approaches determine how web content is generated and delivered to the user’s browser, influencing the user experience and website performance.


Client-side rendering (CSR) and server-side rendering (SSR) are two different ways to render web pages.


In client-side rendering, the browser renders the page after it has been downloaded from the server. This means that the browser has to do all of the work of parsing the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and then creating the DOM and rendering the page.


In server-side rendering, the server renders the page before it is sent to the browser. This means that the server has to do all of the work of parsing the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and then creating the DOM and rendering the page. The rendered page is then sent to the browser, which only has to do the work of displaying the page.


Here is a table summarizing the key differences between CSR and SSR:

Feature Client-side rendering Server-side rendering
Where the rendering happens Browser Server
Who does the rendering Browser Server
When the rendering happens After the page has been downloaded Before the page is sent to the browser
Pros Faster initial load time, more interactivity Better SEO, more consistent performance
Cons Slower subsequent page loads, less control over the rendered page More server load, can be more complex to implement